Dream Home: Nurseries

I am definitely way too obsessed with Pinterest, as I’m sure you’ve come to realize, and one of the reasons I love it so much is because there are so many pins having to do with babies.

I am a girl that’s been obsessed with babies for as long as I can remember. I have a board dedicated to my future children (way in the future…but still) on my account and I find it so fun to pin super cute pictures of babies in ridiculous outfits to that board.

Another thing I love pinning onto there is pictures of picturesque, perfect nurseries.

I recently did a Dream Home post about a home office, and one far away day where I have my own babies to be obsessed with, I get to decorate one of these perfect little nurseries.

Here are only some of my favorite ones and aspects of them. There were many too many to put on here!:



I love the close up framed pics!

I love the close up framed pics!


perfectly playful



I love these two room aspects, too. The Shel Silverstein framed poems are so simplistic but totally sweet:


Also, this library is perfection. I’m an avid reader and will make sure my children are, so having a library as amazing as this one from birth is a must!:


Am I the only crazy person who thinks/pins about stuff like this? What do you envision in a perfect future nursery?

Words of the Week: Masks

I’ve never been really into poetry, but when I was little I did have the Shel Silverstein books.

Of course, when I was younger I never saw the true meaning of many of the Silverstein poems.

Today, the poems are just as cute but I can understand their deeper significance on a much different level.

I was on Tumblr the other day and saw this graphic of this Silverstein poem:


After I read this, it really got me thinking…why do we wear the masks we do?

It’s inevitable that all of us wear these personality masks at least sometimes, if not pretty often.

For a long time, I found myself struggling to put on the mask of perfection. Especially when I first got to college as well as last semester, I wanted to always wear the perfect outfits, do my hair and make up perfectly, have a perfect body, get perfect grades, be a perfect friend, daughter, sister. Last semester, I worked tirelessly to be a perfect chapter officer in my sorority, perfect girlfriend, perfect person.

What I learned was that attempting to wear that mask of perfection brought me nothing but frustration, exhaustion, and a lot of tears.

This semester I have worked a lot on being myself and loving myself for it. I have found that the less I wear masks the happier I am. I also frequently find myself admiring those around me that are so unafraid to be themselves.

Still, I wonder why we so often wear the masks we do. If there is one thing I have learned throughout college,  it is that being honest with yourself about who you are and where you are in your life is the most freeing feeling, and it makes life a million times easier.

When do the masks we wear become who we actually are?

Imagine how free we would feel if we all shed our masks and showed our true selves all the times? How many things do you think would be different? How many more opportunities would we have the chance to seize?